Feast One Hundred & Forty Three

Tell about a time when you had to be brave.

I had to rush my mom to the emergency room around 2am as she was shivering so badly and was really, really weak. Only I was home that time. Good thing our two helpers offered to come with me because they knew how much I was scared spitless of hospitals. I had to endure the seemingly endless wait while the ER docs poked and prodded away. I was just staring at one spot the entire time, trying to block out the wails of the other patients and ignoring each swing of the door which signalled the entry of yet another person in pain…Good thing my mom came out fine after a few days confinement.Soup
Which upcoming movie are you excited about seeing?

Shrek the Third and OOTP (Harry Potter and the Order Of The Phoenix)! Woot!Salad
Name an item you try to always have on hand.

Cash! You never know when you’ll suddenly need it!Main Course
Imagine the most relaxing room you can think of. Now describe it!

A mint-green room with a king-size canopied bed facing wide french windows boasting a spectacular view of the ocean below. Opposite the bed is a wall that revolves from a floor to ceiling bookshelf filled with all my favorite books into a state-of-the-art entertainment center with a flick of a button. Every morning, a cool breeze wafts in while soft music plays in the background. When noon comes, time to turn up the a/c till room temperature is almost freezing – just right for drifting off into a deep dream-filled sleep!Dessert
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), how spiritual or religious are you?

Right now a 7. I would like to work on improving my spirituality, though.Want to join Friday’s Feast? If so, click HERE. If you are already a Friday Feast participant, leave me a comment and then enter your link in the Auto-Link below to be listed and visited by other Friday Feast participants!technorati tag:

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