Archive for December, 2005

Ending The Year With A Bang

It’s my mom’s birthday! It’s going to be real hectic with all the guests expected to come over to celebrate her special occasion AND new year’s eve so I probably won’t be able to post again till tomorrow. Am being called to help prepare the food (gasp!) as I am writing this. Meantime, here’s a picture of my mom with my niece Soleil.

So till tomorrow, folks, have a fun and safe New Year’s celebration!!!

Ending The Year With A Bang

It’s my mom’s birthday! It’s going to be real hectic with all the guests expected to come over to celebrate her special occasion AND new year’s eve so I probably won’t be able to post again till tomorrow. Am being called to help prepare the food (gasp!) as I am writing this. Meantime, here’s a picture of my mom with my niece Soleil.

So till tomorrow, folks, have a fun and safe New Year’s celebration!!!

Wedded Bliss

My very good friend Jennie got married last December 12th. She officially became Mrs. Tatlonghari in a solemn ceremony amidst the lush backdrop of the BF Homes Bible Church. Tatlonghari literally means 3 kings in English and it could augur an auspicious beginning for them, having gotten married so close to the Feast of the Epiphany. But I digress…hahaha. With the wind gently blowing through the trees and the sun setting in magnificent splendor, she pledged to honor, cherish and (try) to obey Rein. It was most definitely one big Kodak moment. Finally have some pictures to share from that happy occasion.

As you can see, she made a very beautiful bride. Happiness seemed to radiate from her and her loving groom on that special day. Everyone there can attest to this. Now it’s time for them to get to work on them babies! Seriously, I wish her and Rein a long and happy life together, one truly blessed by God.

This photo shamelessly stolen from Peachy’s blog.
Here are other pics courtesy of Annie’s boyfried Ed taken before, during and after the event. Warning: get ready for gratuitous pics of myself – haha!

Wedded Bliss

My very good friend Jennie got married last December 12th. She officially became Mrs. Tatlonghari in a solemn ceremony amidst the lush backdrop of the BF Homes Bible Church. Tatlonghari literally means 3 kings in English and it could augur an auspicious beginning for them, having gotten married so close to the Feast of the Epiphany. But I digress…hahaha. With the wind gently blowing through the trees and the sun setting in magnificent splendor, she pledged to honor, cherish and (try) to obey Rein. It was most definitely one big Kodak moment. Finally have some pictures to share from that happy occasion.

As you can see, she made a very beautiful bride. Happiness seemed to radiate from her and her loving groom on that special day. Everyone there can attest to this. Now it’s time for them to get to work on them babies! Seriously, I wish her and Rein a long and happy life together, one truly blessed by God.

This photo shamelessly stolen from Peachy’s blog.
Here are other pics courtesy of Annie’s boyfried Ed taken before, during and after the event. Warning: get ready for gratuitous pics of myself – haha!

Ubiquitous Quiz Thursday 7

As we say goodbye to 2005 and welcome 2006 with bated breath and much hope, it is but fitting (not to mention timely) to make a list of things that we would want to do away with, change or take up in the coming year to have a fresh start. These are a few of what mine are supposed to be.

Your New Year’s Resolutions

1) Get a pet monkey
2) Eat more nuts
3) Travel to Holland
4) Study finger painting
5) Get in shape with naked yoga

Ubiquitous Quiz Thursday 7

As we say goodbye to 2005 and welcome 2006 with bated breath and much hope, it is but fitting (not to mention timely) to make a list of things that we would want to do away with, change or take up in the coming year to have a fresh start. These are a few of what mine are supposed to be.

Your New Year’s Resolutions

1) Get a pet monkey
2) Eat more nuts
3) Travel to Holland
4) Study finger painting
5) Get in shape with naked yoga

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Lilypad Spotlight 7: Digital Doorway Enter The Laughter

The title alone should grab your attention. I really don’t know why, but for some strange reason, I liked my new tenant right off the bat. She is an amazing woman. Humor columnist, online retailer, aspiring novelist, and pumpkin farmer aside from being a (I’m fairly certain) great wife, mother and friend. And her posts are funny! Don’t believe me? Try this one for size. Do check her out at my Frog-adelic Site corner on the right and send complimentary ribbits her way for me. Let her know I’m an extremely nice (and fun) landlady…

Lilypad Spotlight 7: Digital Doorway Enter The Laughter

The title alone should grab your attention. I really don’t know why, but for some strange reason, I liked my new tenant right off the bat. She is an amazing woman. Humor columnist, online retailer, aspiring novelist, and pumpkin farmer aside from being a (I’m fairly certain) great wife, mother and friend. And her posts are funny! Don’t believe me? Try this one for size. Do check her out at my Frog-adelic Site corner on the right and send complimentary ribbits her way for me. Let her know I’m an extremely nice (and fun) landlady…

Christmas Booty

The best part about Christmas is undoubtedly the gifts. Giving has its’ own rewards, especially when you see a niece or nephew’s eyes light up as they dive into one package after another. In the mad scramble of wrapping paper and ribbons and boxes and tags, nothing can compare to the joy of having chosen the perfect gift for a loved one. On the other hand, it’s also fun to be on the receiving end. My haul for this year was unexpectedly wonderful. Here are just some of them.

I received a small desk trashcan that looks like an unhatched egg with legs, a pink purse, a woven handbag, a messenger bag, a bag with matching purse, a toiletry bag with the works (eyeshadow, lipstick, lip balm, facial cleanser, towelette, hand gel, mouthwash) a book on leadership, a frog cd case, a stuffed frog bedecked in christmas attire, a wallet, underwear (yay! don’t know about you but i always love it when i get them), some shirts, a blouse and several bottles of my favorite Bath & Bodyworks and Marks & Spencer scents. The most delightful surprise was given by my sister. Mind you, I wasn’t expecting anything as extravagant, seeing as she is still studying. No wonder she wanted me to open her gift last. She gave me a book and cd set of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!

This unabridged version had Michael York as narrator. Oh my! I just had to play it then and there! My sister said she sacrificed the Nike wallet she had wanted to get for herself to buy me the gift. Awww…good thing that’s what I got her for Christmas, huh? It was like some weird Gift of the Magi dream sequence. Only this time, we both were able to enjoy our gifts to the fullest. Can’t wait for next year. But then again, my birthday’s coming up soon so I hope to have as much fun then.

Christmas Booty

The best part about Christmas is undoubtedly the gifts. Giving has its’ own rewards, especially when you see a niece or nephew’s eyes light up as they dive into one package after another. In the mad scramble of wrapping paper and ribbons and boxes and tags, nothing can compare to the joy of having chosen the perfect gift for a loved one. On the other hand, it’s also fun to be on the receiving end. My haul for this year was unexpectedly wonderful. Here are just some of them.

I received a small desk trashcan that looks like an unhatched egg with legs, a pink purse, a woven handbag, a messenger bag, a bag with matching purse, a toiletry bag with the works (eyeshadow, lipstick, lip balm, facial cleanser, towelette, hand gel, mouthwash) a book on leadership, a frog cd case, a stuffed frog bedecked in christmas attire, a wallet, underwear (yay! don’t know about you but i always love it when i get them), some shirts, a blouse and several bottles of my favorite Bath & Bodyworks and Marks & Spencer scents. The most delightful surprise was given by my sister. Mind you, I wasn’t expecting anything as extravagant, seeing as she is still studying. No wonder she wanted me to open her gift last. She gave me a book and cd set of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!

This unabridged version had Michael York as narrator. Oh my! I just had to play it then and there! My sister said she sacrificed the Nike wallet she had wanted to get for herself to buy me the gift. Awww…good thing that’s what I got her for Christmas, huh? It was like some weird Gift of the Magi dream sequence. Only this time, we both were able to enjoy our gifts to the fullest. Can’t wait for next year. But then again, my birthday’s coming up soon so I hope to have as much fun then.

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